Milioane de oameni in gri
incep o noua zi
Milioane de oameni par
simple jucarii
(the one and the only) Dead Can Dance - The Host of Seraphim
Milioane de oameni in gri
incep o noua zi
Milioane de oameni par
simple jucarii
(the one and the only) Dead Can Dance - The Host of Seraphim
Un batran mic si carunt spunea ca Adevarul este Unul! Adevarul trebuie sa fie Absolut! Altfel isi pierde orice valoare...
Revenim la problema de perspectiva? A matter of perspective.
Nu este vorba de nici o Panama! Bate Cuba si hai sa incepem!
Imagine it's Dominica and you are Finnish after a hard working week. If you are Hungary, you should try eating a Turkey. I know it's difficult not to think at your stupid boss, but relax and try to Chile out! ... I see, seems you can't...
At least, don't use Buthan to blow out your boss!
(isi aminteste)
"Oman! It's incredible!" From the first day, he started to make fun of my Suriname. Then, because I was the youngest in the office, he gave me a lot of difficult tasks. I was always staying late in the office, extra-time of course and in the weekends always on the Russia to Finnish the papers. In a short time, my life became a Laos . My Moldavian mate told me: "Haiti bai! It's no worth!"
I decided to visit my buddy Fly. He always has some grass . And we start smokin'. Suddenly, I was somewhere at the Ecuador, on a sunny beach...clear water and some girls in red Tonga dancing in front of me. "Yemen! Yemen!" was saying my buddy Fly. "Coool! Tell me more! " But I guess I was already too high...The sun was rotating around me with an incredible speed...Fiji!...Fiji!...Fiji!...That's all I remember...
Cam atat momentan din episodul "Geografia simpatica". Fell free to continue the story!
[foto de pe]
Brano tipico della tradizione salentina della Taranta - Video in concorso tra i migliori videoclip d'Italia al Giffoni Film Festival 2002.
MADE IN CHINA vorbeste despre o lume care consuma pana crapa, fara discernamant si fara scop.
Ultima reprezentatie: sambata, 16 iunie 2007, ora 20Street 1 iunie. Arthur Verona. Pictor Arthur Verona. apoi pe Magheru, frate cu Balcescu. de la pash'opt. back to Romana. Piata Romana
Free hugs...or three hugs
Avem si acadele
*foto: Andreea si neGRI - multumim frumos
p.s. cum se manca jam session pe paine anul trecut